
The recent study titled “Impact of Yoga as an Add-On Intervention on Neurocognitive Functions Among Adult Athletes: A Pilot Study” by Naveen G Halappa, K. Jha, Vijayabanu U, and Harishankar Singh, published on September 1, 2023, offers valuable insights for yoga teachers. This study highlights the significant improvement in cognitive performance among athletes who incorporated yoga into their routine. As a yoga instructor, understanding and applying these findings can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your classes, especially for athletes.

Practical Tips for Yoga Teachers

  1. Focus on Mind-Body Connection: Emphasise the connection between physical movement and mental focus. Encourage athletes to be mindful of their breath and body alignment during poses, enhancing their concentration and mental clarity.
  2. Incorporate Balance and Coordination Exercises: Include asanas that challenge balance and coordination. Poses like Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) or Eagle Pose (Garudasana) can help improve focus and neurocognitive functions.
  3. Integrate Breathwork (Pranayama): Teach breathing techniques such as Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) or Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath). These practices can enhance lung capacity and oxygenate the brain, improving cognitive functions.
  4. Use Meditation and Visualisation: Begin or end classes with guided meditation or visualisation exercises. This can help athletes develop mental clarity, focus, and a positive mindset, crucial for their sports performance.
  5. Encourage Consistency and Patience: Remind athletes that improvements in cognitive functions through yoga are a gradual process. Encourage regular practice and patience.

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Suggestions for Class Inclusions

  1. Dynamic Warm-Up Sequences: Start with dynamic movements like Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) to prepare the body and mind for the practice.
  2. Cognitive Challenge Poses: Include complex poses that require concentration and mental engagement, such as inversions or balancing poses.
  3. Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate Yoga Nidra or deep relaxation at the end of the session to help athletes process and integrate the mental benefits of the practice.
  4. Sport-Specific Focus: Tailor your classes to address the specific needs of different sports. For example, for runners, focus on hip openers and leg strength.
  5. Feedback and Reflection Time: Allow time for athletes to reflect on their practice and share their experiences. This can help them become more aware of the mental benefits they are gaining.

By integrating these practices into your yoga classes, you can significantly enhance the cognitive and athletic performance of your students. Yoga is not just a physical practice; it’s a tool for mental and cognitive development, especially beneficial for athletes in high-demand sports.


  1. Halappa, N. G., Jha, K., Vijayabanu, U., & Singh, H. (2023). Impact of Yoga as an Add-On Intervention on Neurocognitive Functions Among Adult Athletes: A Pilot Study. Click here to review the full research article

Transform Your Yoga Teaching with TRAINFITNESS

Elevate your yoga teaching skills with TRAINFITNESS’s Yoga Instructor Course, inspired by the study “Impact of Yoga as an Add-On Intervention on Neurocognitive Functions Among Adult Athletes“. This comprehensive course, enriched by over two decades of exercise education expertise, offers in-depth training in yoga postures, philosophy, and teaching methods, with a focus on enhancing cognitive functions. Available in Live-Virtual or In-Person formats, it provides extensive resources and expert support, making it ideal for aspiring and seasoned instructors alike. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your practice and enrich your teaching, shaping the mental and physical wellbeing of your students.

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